Inmate Record Check

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Search Inmates in Holmes County, Florida. Results May Include: Bookings, Arrest Records, Mugshot, Crime Record, DOB, Jail Number, IDS, Loc, Date Booked, Time Booked, Case Number, Charges, Description, Release Date

Holmes County Sheriff’s Departments and Jails in Florida

Holmes County Sheriff’s Office Information

John Tate, Sheriff
Holmes County Sheriff’s Office
211 N. Oklahoma Street
Bonifay, Florida 32425
Phone: 850-547-3681
Fax: 850-547-5360

Maj. Michael Raley, Chief Deputy
Holmes County Sheriff’s Office
211 N. Oklahoma Street
Bonifay, Florida 32425
Phone: 850-547-3681
Fax: 850-547-5360

Holmes is a county in North Florida. According to the United States Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 489 square miles (1,270 sq. km). The largest city of Holmes County is Bonifay. Holmes County had a population of approximately 43,954 in the year 2020.

All completed employment applications should be submitted to:

Holmes County Sheriff’s Office
211 N. Oklahoma Street
Bonifay, Florida 32425
Phone: 850-547-3681
Fax: 850-547-5360

Holmes County Crime Statistics:

Holmes Annual Average Violent Crimes in 2019: 75
Data Source: Florida Department of Law Enforcement

Between 2018 and 2019, Holmes County saw a 36% increase in violent crimes. While there was a 13.5% decrease in property crimes.

Holmes County Jail Information

Holmes County Jail is located in Bonifay, Florida. The jail has an inmate capacity of 200. The facility holds a 12-step program and a work-release program.

The physical location of the Holmes County Jail is:

Holmes County Jail
Holmes County Sheriff’s Office
211 N. Oklahoma Street
Bonifay, Florida 32425
Phone: 850-547-3681 Option#2
Fax: 850-547-5360

Visitations Hours at Holmes County Jail:

Thursday – Sunday

8AM – 9AM
9AM – 10AM
1PM – 2PM
2PM – 3AM
3PM – 4AM
4PM – 5AM

Capt. Roy Wade, Jail Administrator
Holmes County Sheriff’s Office
Work Camp
3207 Lonny Lindsey Rd.
Bonifay, Florida 32425
Phone: 850-547-3681 Option #1
Fax: 850-547-5360

Holmes County Sheriff’s Office Open Records Request

Records/reports regarding inmates, offenders, arrests, and most wanted and other related information can be obtained from the Holmes County Sheriff’s Office. Requests for records can be made by completing and submitting the Open/Public Records Request Form to the Holmes County Sheriff’s Office during regular business hours.

The location and records request contact information are as follows:

Jeana Prescott, Records Custodian
Holmes County Sheriff’s Office
211 N. Oklahoma Street
Bonifay, Florida 32425
Phone: 850-547-3681
Fax: 850-547-5360